
From ideation to product launch support, we take an holistic approach to packaging solutions. From the development of individual components to multi-site, multi-channel and global packaging projects, we offer end-to-end management of projects. Our agile capabilities mean that no project is too large, or business too small.

The full packaging lifecycle

We enable your business to access diverse teams of packaging, print and technical experts with access to a multitude of materials, components, processes and technologies.

With an in-depth understanding of the packaging lifecycle we can ensure that our solutions are supply chain efficient, commercially viable and fit for purpose.

Cradle to grave audit

We can audit your primary, tertiary and secondary packaging, transportation and warehousing to minimise your true overall cost of packaging. We can transform packaging from an unwanted cost to a value-driven innovation.

Analysing distribution costs and shipping efficiencies in your supply chain is a key driver for margin improvement opportunities.

Our team are experienced at working with the most complex regulations and demanding distribution environments.

Unlock hidden savings

We deploy various value engineering models to form a comprehensive view of process inefficiencies, redundancies, supplier network gaps, material expenditures and areas for improvement within your packaging and logistic departments. Our creativity combined with tried and tested methodologies uncover hidden saving opportunities throughout the supply chain.

Structural Development

We can manage the entire process from initial design agency selection, development and qualification through to implementation. Our team will help you to consider the complexity introduced by each touchpoint within the supply chain, ensuring that your packaging is robust enough to meet these challenges.

Specification Management

We can support you with the population, management and implementation of robust packaging specifications.

Through growth and acquisition, companies often lose the ability to execute strategic initiatives such as supply mitigation and standardisation. This is usually because packaging specifications and the related data held is incomplete or inadequate.

  • We can also help you to:
  • Harmonise the specification system, ensuring that specifications have the correct performance-based information
  • Standardise testing methods across the entire organisation

Packaging Compliance

We ensure that your packaging solution is fit for purpose and conforms to all appropriate legislation in the markets within which you operate.

We can manage the qualification and validation of all new materials and packaging components, and determine any test requirements. Root cause analysis and issue resolution are some of the other technical services that we provide.